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Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Hillary Primary School home page

Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

The staff that work in this year group are:

  • Ms Seward (Assistant Head)
  • Miss Kay (6A Class Teacher)
  • Miss Bhogal (6B Class teacher)
  • Miss Ata (6C Class Teacher)


Year 6 is a wonderful year group to be in, full of exciting opportunities and learning. It is the year before you move on to Secondary school, so we always try to make it an enjoyable experience! You are now the oldest children in Hillary Primary School, and we expect you to all to be excellent role models for other children in our school.  

When children move to Year 6, the biggest question they have is about the SATs tests. Please don’t be nervous about them, in Year 6 we revise all of the different elements of English and Maths which you have already been taught so far in years 3, 4 and 5 so that you will be confident and well-prepared for the tests in May. Do not worry; we have lots of time to go through anything that you might need more help with. We also have some fabulous Science, History, PE, Geography, Computing, Art and DT topics to look forward to as well! 

Here are some topics that you can look forward to learning about in Year 6: 

  • World War II
  • Animals Including Humans (how the heart and blood works)
  • The Greeks
  • Evolution and Inheritance   
  • Algebra (don’t worry it’s not scary we promise!) 
  • Leaver’s activities in the final half term 

We work hard in Year 6, but we also have lots of fun. There is lots for you to look forward to and we hope that you enjoy your time in Year 6 as much as we do! 

Year 6 Notices


Secondary School Applications:

The deadline to complete your child's secondary school applications will be the 31st October.

Remember to ensure that you put a minimum of 3 choices down as you are not guaranteed a place at your first choice. 

A parent workshop will be held on the 22nd October to support parents/carers to fill the forms in, should you need it.


The children have been given a Doodle Learning log in for homework - they have had this since Summer term in Year 5 so that they can get used to the platform.

Please ensure that you are using this platform and are completing the homework/assignments set. New assignments will be set weekly and will be need to be completed for the following Thursday at the latest. If this is not completed, then we will provide the children with time during lunch time on Thursday to complete it. 

You can find the link below:

Doodle for Students | DoodleLearning


Assignments set on Doodle: 

Deadline - 

Doodle MathsDoodle English




The children also have the following platforms to use:



- TT Rockstars to aid them with their times tables.

- Spelling Shed to practice weekly spellings. 


Make sure you're practicing these at home.

These platforms will be used to set homework and also for you to use at your own leisure.


You can find the links for these below.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (


Attendance & Punctuality

It is vital that your child attends school and that they are on time every day. The doors will be open for 10 minutes for children to arrive. Please try and book any appointments outside of the school day where possible.


Start Time: 8:40am

Finish Time: 3:20pm

Water Bottles

Children may bring in a clean water bottle to drink from during the school day. Children are able to re-fill bottles at school. Please ensure they are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

    PE Days


    Class 6A - Tuesday & Wednesday

    Class 6B - Tuesday & Wednesday

    Class 6C - Monday & Wednesday


    Uniforms and PE kits

    A reminder of Uniform and PE kit can be found on the ‘Parents’ section of the school website. PE kits must be worn to school on PE days only. If children arrive to school in sports attire that is not plain and logo free then you will be contacted to drop off the correct PE uniform for your child to change in to. Click link to take you to the Uniform page


    Please ensure you have the Arbor app downloaded to your phone – you will need this to pay for everything in school, including trips. If you require any assistance in using the app, please get in touch with the office.


    From September 2023, school will be offering a wider selection of tuck.  This service will only be available to KS2. The children can bring their tuck money each day and purchase what they would like directly from the kitchen each morning at break time. 


    Price List:


    Item:Available on:Price:
    Toast (per slice)All Week25p
    Bagel (half slice)Tuesday & Thursday25p
    MilkshakeAll Week50p
    Orange JuiceAll Week50p
    Apple JuiceAll Week50p
    WaterAll Week40p
    Radnor JuiceAll Week35p

    Alternatively, children are able to bring a healthy snack from home, such as fruit.

    Crisps and sweets are not healthy snacks - please do not send these in with your child.


    Please note: We are a nut free school as we have many children with serious allergies. Please do not send anything into school that contains nuts, this includes chocolate spread.


    All dinners must be paid for in advance on Arbor.  You must also make a meal selection on Arbor the day before by 11.30pm. If you do not make a meal selection, then your child will be given a cheese sandwich and a piece of fruit.


    If your child is entitled to free school meals, you must still make a meal selection on Arbor by 11.30pm the day before. If you do not make a meal selection, then your child will be given a cheese sandwich and a piece of fruit.


    School meals are available for all full-time children at a cost of £2.50 per day.  Alternatively, children may bring in a healthy packed lunch from home if they prefer.


    Please note: We are a nut free school as we have many children with serious allergies. Please do not send anything into school that contains nuts, this includes chocolate spread.


    Our Menu’s can be found under the Parent tab - Lunch Menus