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Hillary Primary School home page

Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Hillary Primary School home page

Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness


At Hillary Primary School, we pride ourselves in offering children a rich and varied curriculum that both broadens and enhances children’s academic progress. We recognise that learning does not only take place in school but in every aspect of their lives. We acknowledge that experiences children have outside of school (family outings, clubs, events, bedtime stories) contribute hugely to the development of our children to become well rounded individuals who can contribute to society in a positive way.


It is for this reason that our homework policy has been designed to ensure that children, their parents and school can work collaboratively to enhance the life chances of all our pupils. It has been designed to ensure that work set does not negatively encroach on family time.


Purpose of Homework


  • To provide an opportunity for parents to become involved in the academic development of their child;
  • To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly with basic skills and the inspiring curriculum we provide;
  • To incorporate resources for learning, of all kinds, at home;
  • To provide an effective and purposeful supplement to class work;
  • To extend school learning, for example, through additional reading or times tables practice;
  • To encourage pupils as they get older to develop the confidence and self-discipline to study independently and further their knowledge and skills.


Pupils with Special Education Needs


Children with special educational needs should be set homework that reflects their ability. Any tasks that are set should be differentiated to the specific needs of the child and appropriate for helping the children to make progress.


Teachers will ensure that homework is explained to the children clearly, where needed, further instructions will be passed, through effective communication, to parents. Any children who are on an EHC plan may have homework set that is different to the general basis of this homework policy. In some cases, structured homework will not be set as it will not contribute to the child’s development; however, communication between the teacher, SENCO and parents will be based on the next steps for the child.


Homework in Nursery and Reception (EYFS)



Children will receive number formation rhymes and practice sheets, as well Read Write Inc phonic sounds. These pieces are for use and practise at home; they are not required to be returned to the child’s teacher.



The children are given a homework leaflet, sent on a Friday, that details a range of activities and games that can support progress and learning within the classroom. The leaflet also informs parents of upcoming learning, so that children can begin to investigate the concepts and ideas before looking at them in detail within the classroom.

Reception children will also be given a piece of Literacy and Maths homework each week, on a Friday, and it is expected to be returned to the class teacher by the following Wednesday.



Children will receive a library and bedtime story book which can be shared with the family and should be read daily; these books are changed each week. When children have begun to blend words they will be set a home reading book and reading record; it is important that the children read this book for ten minutes daily. It is appreciated by staff if parents or other adults within the home can write a few comments on how the child has read, this helps inform decisions that are taken with regards a child’s next steps.


Homework in Key stage 1



Children are not directly set spellings each week, however they are expected to be practising the year one and two spelling word list and Read Write Inc focus words. The year one and two spelling list is sent home in September for practise throughout the year. There may be occasions where a teacher may feel more practise is needed on a specific set of these words; on these occasions a list will be compiled and sent home for more focused practice.



Year one and two children will have a reading book and reading record sent home. We strongly encourage parents, or other adults at home, to find ten minutes each day to listen to your child read the set book and comment on the children’s progress in their child’s reading record. Feedback from parents is used by teachers to support decision making with regards to a child’s next steps. Children are also given access to the school library (at least fortnightly) where they can borrow books of interest; we strongly recommend that the children are given opportunities to explore and read these books at home with another adult. 



Children have to complete three pieces of ‘Chillies’ homework that incorporate creative or problem solving tasks based on English, Maths and INSPIRE (a culmination of Science and all foundation subjects). Children have to complete a task from each of the three zones. Within each subject, children can choose between a one chilli task (the most simple) to a four chilli task (the most complicated); children are rewarded with the relevant number of chillies and receive rewards according to how many they have collected. This homework is set fortnightly and usually given to children on a Friday; the deadline for returning the homework is usually the Wednesday of the second week. There are a few occasions where the due in date might be different, however the new date will be clearly stated at the top the homework page. On some occasions, teachers will hand out additional chillies for consistent effort, this is at the teacher’s discretion.


Homework Club

The school provides a key stage one homework club for any children on a Friday lunchtime. When it is recognised that some children may need further support, individual children can be put forward by their teacher to join an after school homework club that is run on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Parents are able to liaise with teachers to find out if there is availability or if the provision is suitable to their child’s needs.


Please Note: All children by the end of year 2 should be able to: order numbers to 100; add two 2 digit number; recall multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times table; name and write common fractions; tell the time to 5 minute intervals; name most common 2-D and 3-D shapes and be able to discuss their properties and create bar, tally and block graphs. Expectations for all reading, writing and maths are also clearly stated on the school’s website. These can be found by selecting the ‘Curriculum’ tab on the left and then the ‘End Of Year Expectations’ tab on the drop down menu.


Homework in years 3, 4 and 5  



Spellings are set in every class each week. These spellings can be based on the national curriculum spelling rules, common exception words or encountered vocabulary based on English/INSPIRE work. The children will be tested on these spellings the following week.



All children will receive a reading book and reading record to take home. Children need to read this book with an adult for approximately ten minutes daily. Comments from the adult should be written into the reading record so the teacher is informed of their progress; these comments are valued by the teacher as they form part of our continuous assessment process.



Children have to complete three pieces of ‘Chillies’ homework that incorporate creative or problem solving tasks based on English, Maths and INSPIRE (a culmination of Science and all foundation subjects). Children have to complete a task from each of the three zones. Within each subject, children can choose between a one chilli task (the most simple) to a four chilli task (the most complicated); children are rewarded with the relevant number of chillies and receive rewards according to how many they have collected. This homework is set fortnightly and usually given to children on a Friday; the deadline for returning the homework is usually the Wednesday of the second week. On some occasions, teachers will hand out additional chillies for consistent effort, this is at the teacher’s discretion. There are a few occasion where the due in date might be different, however the new date will be clearly stated at the top the homework page. On some occasions, teachers will hand out additional chillies for consistent effort, this is at the teacher’s discretion.


Homework Club

The school provides a key stage two homework club for any children on a Friday lunchtime. When it is recognised that some children may need further support, individual children can be put forward by their teacher to join an after school homework club that is run on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Parents are able to liaise with teachers to find out if there is availability or if the provision is suitable to their child’s needs.


Please Note: All children by the end of year 4 should be able to: order numbers beyond 1000; count on in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000 from any number; round any number to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000; count on and back across 0; add and subtract four digit numbers using column addition and subtraction; recall multiplication facts up 12 x 12; multiply 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number; recall the decimal equivalents for a quarter, half and three quarters; round decimals to the nearest whole number; convert time between analogue and digital clocks and be able to interpret data on a continuous graph. Expectations for all reading, writing and maths are also clearly stated on the school’s website.  These can be found by selecting the ‘Curriculum’ tab on the left and then the ‘End Of Year Expectations’ tab on the drop down menu.


Home work in year 6




Spellings are set in every class each week. These spellings can be based on the national curriculum spelling rules and common exception words . The children will be tested on these spellings the following week.




All children will receive a reading book and reading record to take home. Children need to read this book with an adult for approximately ten minutes daily. Comments from the adult should be written into the reading record so the teacher is informed of their progress; these comments are valued by the teacher as they form part of our continuous assessment process.




All children will be set one piece of English homework each week. This homework needs to be returned on the date given by the teacher. This homework can be based on grammar, punctuation and spelling; writing development or reading comprehension. To support preparation for SATs, the school also offers a revision book that can be purchased at a reduced rate, this book can be used by pupils to help revise the covered topics.



All children will be set one piece of Maths homework each week. This homework needs to be returned on the date given by the teacher. This homework will be based on the work being covered in class, it can include: number, addition and subtract, multiplication and division, fractions, ratio and proportion, algebra, measurement, geometry and statistics. To support preparation for SATs, the school also offers a revision book that can be purchased at a reduced rate, this book can be used by pupils to help revise the covered topics.


Homework Club


The school provides a key stage two homework club for any children on a Friday lunchtime. When it is recognised that some children may need further support, individual children can be put forward by their teacher to join an after school homework club that is run on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Parents are able to liaise with teachers to find out if there is availability or if the provision is suitable to their child’s needs.


Please Note: All children by the end of year 6 should be able to: order numbers to 10 000 000; round numbers to any degree of accuracy; use negative numbers in context;  multiply and divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers; identify common factors, multiples and prime numbers; compare and order fractions; find decimal equivalents for fractions; find percentages of a whole number; use simple formulae; calculate the size  of angles; identify the radius, circumference and diameter of a circle; describe positions on a four quadrant grid; find the mean and construction and interpret pie charts. Expectations for all reading, writing and maths are also clearly stated on the school’s website. These can be found by selecting the ‘Curriculum’ tab on the left and then the ‘End Of Year Expectations’ tab on the drop down menu.