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Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Hillary Primary School home page

Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Health and Safety

Health & Safety Statement of Intent


We will meet all the requirements set out in the corporate health & safety policy and actively promote the safety and health of our school staff and students as an equal objective to our other school objectives.


We will adopt a planned and systematic approach to the local implementation of the corporate health & safety management standards through this statement of intent and we will:


Ensure that health & safety is embedded into all our activities and that effective health & safety management systems, including a health & safety plan, are in place


Ensure that suitable risk assessments and controls are in place to minimise risk and to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health


Consult our employees on matters affecting their health & safety


Promote a positive health & safety culture where employees and their representatives are able to raise health & safety issues and are empowered to work safely


Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees to enable them to do their work safely


Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and are given adequate training


Provide and maintain safe plant & equipment and ensure that substances are handled and used safely 


Provide an environment in which staff can work without fear of violence, intimidation or threats; and


Regularly review our health & safety performance by monitoring and auditing. We are committed to continuous improvement in health & safety and will develop policies, systems and procedures to achieve this aim.


We are also committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for staff and pupils; this will be achieved by:


Effective leadership by governors, the Head Teacher and senior staff; 


Participation of all employees; and


Open and responsive communication.


The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment at all levels. Every employee will be made aware of this statement. Hard copies will be available and electronic copies will be available on the internet. It will be monitored and reviewed regularly and, if necessary, revised in the light of legal or organisational changes.