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Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Hillary Primary School home page

Hillary Primary School

We celebrate diverse completeness - We Thrive in our uniqueness

Rainbow Room

Rainbow Room Notices 

 Welcome to Rainbow Room

Rainbow Room is home to a small group of children who require a highly personalised education suited to their individual needs.

Children in Rainbow Room will know staff by their first names as we find this is easier for them to understand and respond to.

We learn through a range of multi-sensory experiences and our room resembles the style of an Early Years Classroom with reduced visual and auditory stimulation.

We use many different forms of communication in Rainbow Room including Speech, Makaton, objects of reference, photographs and picture exchange (PECS).

We have a full and varied timetable with tasks chunked throughout the day.

The staff that work in this room are:

Rainbow Room Class Teacher: Miss J Povey.

Miss G Tuck (LSA)

Miss C Chathem (LSA)

Mrs A Akbar (LSA)


Water Bottles

Children may bring in a clean water bottle to drink from during the school day. Children are able to re-fill bottles at school. Please ensure they are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children with sensory needs will be permitted to drink their preferred beverage at school, with the exception of fizzy drinks

Attendance & Punctuality

It is vital that your child attends school and that they are on time every day. The doors will be open for 10 minutes for children to arrive. If you need to speak to the teacher, please try to book any appointments outside of the school day where possible.


Rainbow Room: 8.50am (doors open at 8.40) until 3.20pm


Children will receive free milk until they turn 5 years old. If you wish for your child to have milk after this time, this must be booked and paid for on Arbor, a term in advance. The cost is £12 per term.

Children who are in Rainbow Room full time will be offered two snack times, as with drinks please send snacks that your child will eat at home and meets their sensory need. We ask that they are nut free snacks as we have children in school with serious nut allergies.


Every child in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school dinner. You must make a meal selection on Arbor the day before by 11.30pm. If you do not make a meal selection, then your child will be given a cheese sandwich and a piece of fruit.


If you wish, you may send in a packed lunch for your child to eat if they do not want a hot dinner from school.


If your child is on a reduced timetable and is not staying for lunch currently we can offer to make them a cold packed lunch bag to take home with them if they are in Reception or KS1.


Please note: We are a nut free school as we have many children with serious allergies. Please do not send anything into school that contains nuts, this includes chocolate spread.

Our Menus can be found under the parent tab- School Menus


Please ensure you have the Arbor app downloaded to your phone – you will need this to pay for everything in school, including trips. If you require any assistance in using the app, please get in touch. 

Uniform & PE kits

A reminder of Uniform and PE kit can be found on the ‘Parents’ section of the school website. If children are in sports attire that is not plain and logo free then you will be contacted to drop off the correct PE uniform for your child to change in to. Click on the link to take you to the Uniform page


PE Day: Thursday- Please send children wearing PE Kit.