Here at Hillary Primary we take attendance very seriously. If your child is not at school, then they are not learning and therefore not making progress. We believe attendance is everyone's responsbility. Collectively we work together with all stakeholders to ensure attendance is at least in line with the national average of 96%. Anything less is just not good enough.
We follow a very clear process to support attendance through the 5 Foundations of effective attendance practice.
An attendance assembly is held each week so that the children can celebrate the attendance achievements made that week. Each class takes part in the 96% club. Classes who achieve 96% or above that week recieve a movie token, when the class have collectively achieved 6 tokens, they can swap the token for a movie afternoon. If a class achieve 100% they also recieve an extra break time in addition to their movie token.
At the end of every term, during the Governor Star Award, Good attendance and improved attendance is acknowledged by children being presented with certificates, badges or stickers.
Please read our attendance policy and other useful documents.